& educate
Management and leadership education for your organization.
One of the biggest challenges of eHealth and Digital Health Transformation is not money, technology or interested end-users. Often the problem is ministry staff, national, regional administrations or healthcare providers, do not have enough management training. More critically, they lack inter-organizational leadership skills. Too often non-sectorial consultants or teachers will provide this training without health and care context. They will tell you such knowledge is transversal. I believe it is better to give you both knowledge sets.
I have organized Workshops in Healthcare Organizations, given master classes and courses in Hospitals and National eHealth Agencies, in Europe, Japan, Singapore and other countries.
For example after my workshop in Saint-Luke's Hospital Tokyo, I wrote a paper on medical education for Japanese doctors, the main concepts apply to all other countries. See this paper in https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/mededjapan1970/39/6/39_6_411/_article - OPEN ACCESS or download from here in Management Matters: Why should medical education of Japanese doctors include management and leadership topics click to download.
If you think providing education is a way, maybe the best one, to lead your organization contact me.